BTI Tools LLC manufactures Schrade EDC folding knives, tactical fixed blades, pens, camp axes, shovels as well as classic Old Timer and Uncle Henry knives. The Schrade Company has a rich and long heritage of fine pocket knives. We are proud to offer their pocketknife models as well as machetes, sharpening .
Read our reviews, prices and specifications and choose the right Schrade model for you. Here you will find Product Videos showcasing our new gear, Instructional “Ho . Schrade Knives – OTF knives, Out The Front, Uncle Henry and more! Please see the Info page to contact the factory.
This site is owned by: Albrug Enterprises, LLC, Thanks! Buy Schrade SCHFExtreme Survival Full Tang Drop Point Fixed Blade TPE Handle: Fixed Blade Hunting Knives – Amazon. Aller à Imperial Knife – The Imperial Knife Company had its roots at the Empire Knife. Primarily known for their brilliant fixed blade knives, they are also a . Schrade has redefined what a reliable knife could offer at an affordable price. Check out our Schrade knives and related brands Uncle Henry and Old Timer.
Imperial Knife Company, established in Providence, Rhode Island in 191 grew to manufacture a full range of value-priced folding pocket knives. We will not be able to restock our Schrade inventory as it sells out. There will be no more original Schrade knives produce making the few .
I have a whole bunch of Schrade products and I have been more than pleased with every single one of them. Always sharp straight from the box, always a joy to . Taylor Brands also licensed to produce multiple product lines under the world famous Smith Wesson brand. Buy schrade knives from KnifeZone a trusted Canadian knife store selling quality knives since 2000. Safe Shopping Shipped from Saskatchewan 52554.
The roots of the Schrade Cutlery Company precede its founding in 1904. True, that was the year brothers George, William, and Louis Schrade s. Schrade Knives has been around for well over a hundred years, and produces some of the most common pocket folding knives in America.